Tuesday, November 8, 2011


I hate going to doctors. As I gained weight year after year, pound by pound, I began to look for guidance. Red and purple lines began to appear on the back of my calves, thighs, and hips.

I don't eat a lot of red meat or sweets. I grew up with chicken, rice, and a vegetable for most meals. Turkey spaghetti once a week. My dad enjoyed grilling pork chops. I admit, my family has a particular penchant for the delicious: a wafting smell of something roasting in the oven would produce a myriad of sounds from my family. All of us enjoy new flavors from around the globe. I always ate my vegetables with some very rare exceptions. I spent the majority of my life borderline underweight. In high school, the numbers began to creep. In 2006 I was 105 pounds. In 2011 I'm 164. (I'm 4'11" and 3/4.) I tried various diets between then and now. Honestly, not as religious as some. In 2006, I went away to UT Knoxville for my first semester of school and ballooned up to 120 pounds. I ate nothing but salads, sushi, and healthier choices on campus, and climbed up giant hills to my class. Currently I work between 35-40 hours a week on my feet, and I struggle to lose weight.

I've been prescribed all different kinds of birth control since I was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome in 2001 at the age of 14: Seasonale, Implanon, Depo Provera, and few more types. They stopped prescribing me pain relievers and started to try get rid of my cramps by eliminating any sort of withdrawal period altogether. I've also been on metoprolol for my tachycardia and high blood pressure.

Once, a gynecologist said vaguely that I eat too many carbs. Another said one time that "exercising is good". That's about all the advice I've been given to get any healthier.

My cousin who is also afflicted with PCOS began to take insulin shots.

This video really inspired me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCl_THksqYo Around the 6 minute mark in the video she goes into the rules of a low amylose diet.

While the video is based on naturally gaining fertility. The lady in the video was able to run 5k, and still unable to lose weight. According to her, these are the rules:
1.Avoid all simple sugars such as candy, sodas, cakes, pies, ice cream, etc. These are almost pure forms of glucose.
2.Avoid vegetables that are grown underground, corn, bananas, and foods enriched with maltodextrins or corn syrup.
3.Avoid wheat, rice, rye, barley, and oats.
4.Eat a minimum of 3 servings each of above-ground vegetables and fruits daily.
5.Eat at least 6 ounces of protein every day.

*Avoid low fat foods.

I did a little bit more research on the carbs:
It seems brown rice is alright in small amounts. Oats seems to be debated.

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